Sera Jey Buddhist Cultural Center Minnesota
Sera Jey Buddhist Cultural Center Minnesota

Sera Jey Buddhist Cultural Center Minnesota

A brief introduction to the Minnesota Buddhist Cultural Center.  Until December 17, 2022, this center was known as “Sera Jey Buddhist Monastery of America,” but there was no stable residence or resident ordained Sangha. However, on December 12th, 2022, we were able to establish this Minnesota Buddhist Cultural Center.

This cultural center is a branch of the renowned Sera Jey Khenyen Dratsang (Monastery), located in South India. Sera Jey is one of six great monastic colleges. The great monastic seats of Sera, Drepung and Ganden each house two colleges.

The geshes and other workers involved in the center administration work directly under the authority of Sera Jey Monastery, and each year must present their accounts to the monastery itself.

The primary aims of this cultural center are to strengthen Tibetan religion and culture, and to revive whatever aspects of that have been lost, in accord with the holy wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The center accomplishes these aims by providing religious and cultural education for Tibetans living in exile, and maintaining a regular schedule of religious functions. It also has a regular schedule of courses that examine the needs of other cultures on the basis of Tibetan religion and culture.


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Postal Address: Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center Minnesota,  6417 Markwood,
Dr N, Crystal, MN, 55427, USA
Contact No: (+1) 763 286-5578
Email Id:

Postal Address Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center Minnesota,  6417 Markwood, Dr N, Crystal, MN, 55427, USA
Contact No: (+1) 763 286-5578  Email Id:  Website: